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Kelowna's Apollyon moves on to provincial final of Wacken Metal Battle

Okanagan blackened-death metal outfit Apollyon has a shot at redemption. The group claimed the winner’s title at Kelowna’s first ever preliminary round for the Wacken Metal Battle hosted at Muninn’s Post on Saturday night.

<who>Photo credit: NowMedia</who>

Following a night of downright incredible performances by each musician involved, Apollyon closed the show with an infectious set backed by immense prowess, crowd interaction and energy, highlighting their intricate songwriting, professionalism and musicianship.

Having made it to the Western Canadian Finals in 2018, expectations of the group were at a high for returning judge, Abelardo Mayoral-Fierros (owner of promotions company The Invisible Orange.)

<who>Photo credit: NowMedia</who>

“You had a high bar set after last year, and I had some expectations of you, but holy s**t, you guys delivered and crushed those expectations,” said Mayoral-Fierros following the band’s set.

Mayoral-Fierros was not the only judge to give high praise to the group, as Canadian metal legend, Byron Stroud (bassist for Fear Factory, Strapping Young Lad, Zimmers Hole and more) commended the group’s professionalism, going on to say their performance was one not only for “their local fans to see, but also one for the world to see.”

<who>Photo credit: NowMedia</who>

Apollyon frontman Matt Depper, said he was “pleasantly surprised” upon hearing their name announced as the winner.

“I went into this as if it was just another show where we give 100% and if we win it is really cool, and if we didn’t, I wouldn’t have been concerned because someone else who really deserves it would have won,” said Depper.

Though happy about their win, Depper was more excited about the opportunity the event brought forth for his fellow musicians and the calibre of performances showcased throughout the night.

<who>Photo credit: NowMedia</who>

“There was unreal talent all night, unreal. We are friends with pretty much everyone who played and it was just really cool to see everyone at their best, giving it their all and really to just be a part of it.”

“Overall it was just really good for everyone, great exposure, a crazy sold-out crowd, and I’m happy, I guess now we just have to step it up” he added.

<who>Photo credit: NowMedia</who>

Despite Apollyon’s solid set and minimal critiques from the judges, the competition was neck and neck, as power metal group ArkenFire gave a polished performance fit for the Wacken stage.

<who>Photo credit: NowMedia</who>

Frontman Jacob LeBlanc instantly became a fan and judge favourite with his radiating stage presence and impressive vocal range, while the guitar harmonies between Ian Mccall and Randy Peterson, along with Milan Bertucci’s rumbling bass riffs commanded the stage.

<who>Photo credit: NowMedia</who>

And though the two A+ acts, ArkenFire and Apollyon may have been front runners in the night’s competition, young band, Death Machine did not trail far behind.

<who>Photo credit: NowMedia</who>

Applauded for their songwriting, vocal capabilities, stage presence, drumming and creativity — the four-piece put on a show riddled with energy and solid riffs. With all the crucial fundamentals for greatness woven tightly between them, Death Machine proved they are a band to watch.

<who>Photo credit: NowMedia</who>

Also in the realm of young bands, Kelowna’s newest heavy metal troupe, Eden Echo, gave what may have been their most impressive performance to date. Having under 10 live performances under their belt, the group burst into their set with surprising energy.

<who>Photo credit: NowMedia</who>

Complimented on their large, epic sound, vocal stylings, sturdy rhythm section and song composition, the group received impressive praise and constructive feedback.

<who>Photo credit: NowMedia</who>

Prince George death-groove trio, Northern Steel, had a bit of a tough position in the competition. Opening the whole thing up in a town and venue they were unfamiliar with, yet, their groovy riffs, and hefty sound quickly had the crowd head bobbing along.

<who>Photo credit: NowMedia</who>

However, they may have let their unfamiliarity and nerves get the best of them as they were critiqued on their lack of audience interaction and brief set that left the judges feeling unfulfilled.

<who>Photo credit: NowMedia</who>

Incredible talent, dedicated fans and friendly competition made up Kelowna’s first ever wack at a Wacken Battle preliminary round, putting the Okanagan metal scene on the list of places to watch.

Apollyon are set to hit the stage in Vancouver on April 28 for the Provincial Final before potentially moving on to the Canadian Final in Calgary on May 25.

<who>Photo credit: NowMedia</who>

Congratulations to all the bands!

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